
Mission Statement

Our mission is to ensure our customers and their families are safer on the road through our high-quality service and advice - providing automotive services you can trust. We… put the needs of the customer first, clearly explain all work undertaken; in a welcoming and friendly environment. Our longer-term goal is to provide our customer-centred services into other locations across Somerset, Devon & Dorset.​

Vision Statement

We believe in transparent and reliable automotive services with the customer and their needs central to everything we do. At Okee we provide a full range of garage services; problem diagnostics, repairs, MOTs and servicing, and all work is completed or checked by fully qualified technicians, to ensure the highest standards of work.
Our vision is to satisfy the customer’s needs at every junction.

Firstly, Putting the customer first – their needs, their vehicle, and their safety. We want our customers and their families to be safe on the road and to feel confident while driving. We believe our customers should have complete peace of mind and trust in all aspects of our service to them.

A positive experience from the moment they arrive – easy parking, a friendly welcome, and a clear explanation of our services. All members of the team must show the customer the same high levels of care, support and respect.

All work completed or checked by highly trained technicians – we believe in training our team to be the best they can be, and we want to invest in the next generation of technicians. Also, our work must be of the highest standards, so all work completed by our apprentices is checked by a highly qualified technician.

Our advice will ALWAYS be what’s best for you - and your vehicle. We can’t always promise to deliver good news but we will always explain the situation clearly so you can make a fully informed decision.

We will NEVER overcharge you - or charge for work not done. We only charge for the time we work and never round hours up. So if we work for 1 hour 15 minutes, that’s what you’ll pay for.

​Lastly, clear communication at all times – clear explanation of work and pricing, complete transparency in all verbal and written communication so our customers can have complete confidence in our service and work. 
Our vision for the future is to continue developing our company so that the work and services we provide really meet and satisfy customer needs in Wellington, Somerset, with the desire to expand to other locations in the Westcountry.