
Vehicle Servicing

Your vehicle gets you from A to B every day and needs to be looked after in order to keep you, and your family, safe on the roads. We believe that servicing your car regularly is the key to hassle free motoring. In addition, regular health checks and maintenance can prevent any surprises in the future.

Our highly trained technicians can carry out servicing on any make of car using original or branded equipment parts. What is more, if you have a new car, we can carry out a service to the standards of your vehicle's manufacturer, which means it won't affect your warranty. The block exemption law allows us to be able to maintain your new car using quality oils, parts and our state of the art diagnostic equipment, whilst keeping your warranty intact.

Bosch Car Service Schedule

Lubrication service and health check including replacement of oil filter and air filter.

Comprehensive service including replacement of oil, oil filter and air filter.

Comprehensive service including all items in the silver service  and items that are recommended for replacement every 2 years.

Servicing to manufacturers' schedules...

At Okee, we are able to access the service schedules of every make of car and carry out the correct service at the recommended time. If you would like to speak to us regarding your vehicle servicing options, please call 01823 617790, or email

superior servicing with Quality Filters

It is very important to use quality filters when servicing your car. We always use OE (Original Equipment) filters, supplied by Bosch or equivalent, because their effectiveness is vastly superior to cheap alternatives. OE Filters are also approved by your vehicle manufacturer and equivalent to the filters originally supplied with the vehicle.

only use Quality Oil

It is vital to only use quality oils and lubricants in your vehicle, as these will have the right additives, at the right balance, for your vehicle. Don't be tempted, as your car gets older, to switch to a cheaper oil... this is precisely when it's more important to use a quality oil. We only use Shell lubricants, or equivalent.

Engine flushes - deeper clean

Another standout element of an Okee service is that we always use an engine and oil flush, for a thorough clean of the engine. An engine flush ahead of the oil change will help to remove sludge and other contaminates from vital engine parts - cleaning engines, hydraulic systems, gearboxes and differentials internally.

Advice from the experts

"Please don't ignore your vehicle's service warning light... Servicing your car regularly is the key to hassle free driving. We can service every make of car to the standards of your vehicle's manufacturer, without affecting your warranty"

Book in today with our Bosch Booking System

With just a few clicks, you can easily schedule an appointment for your car and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your vehicle is in expert hands. Book your appointment today and experience the ease and efficiency of the Bosch Booking System.


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Unsure what service you need or need to speak to a technician?

One of our technicians will then give you a callback. Depending on the problem described we may have to get it booked in for diagnostics before any repairs can be made.

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