Released On 1st Mar 2017
Don't delay replacing your timing belt
If there is one job not to avoid doing it’s the replacement of your timing belt!Most engines have a toothed rubber belt, known as the timing belt or cam belt, that links the camshaft and the crankshaft together. As the engine spins these components are timed precisely to ensure internal pistons and valves do not collide. The correct position of the crankshaft and camshaft is vitally important, and even a slight mis-alignment can cause poor running or even engine damage.
Timing belts are in fact a service item and should be replaced as per the manufacturer’s specification. If this is not done at the correct time the belts can fail, resulting in major engine damage and in some cases can mean the engine will need replacing. Unfortunately, there is no warning prior to the belt failing, they just snap or shred their teeth as they reach the end of their life - one minute your vehicle will be driving normally, the next suffering with major engine failure. But do not fear, every vehicle manufacturer provides service schedules outlining when the timing belt needs to be replaced. If you are unsure, and don’t know how to find out, we can help you.
At Okee, when we replace the timing belt, we also replace the pulley or tensioner and in most cases the water pump, as these can fail just as easily as the belt itself. For example, if a bearing in a pulley starts to wear it can cause the belt to fail, so it makes sense to replace all these parts at the same time.
Replacing a timing belt can be straightforward or complex, depending on the vehicle manufacturer and model. Pricing is based on, where the belt is situated, whether the engine needs to be locked in position, which parts are replaced, and the quality of those parts. Our advise is always the same, don’t be tempted with cheap timing belt replacements, as the price may not include quality OE (original equipment – approved by the manufacturer) parts, or the important additional parts mentioned above. At Okee we only use OE timing belts kits that come with an extensive warranty.
Some engines don’t use rubber belts but use a maintenance free metal chain, which is lubricated by the engine oil. These chains are not a service item and should last the life of the car, providing the engine oil is changed regularly and the correct quality engine oils are used.
If you suspect that your timing belts needs changing, or you would like some advice, please give us a call on 01823 617790 or email office@okeedrive.co.uk